Monday, July 20, 2015

Anonymous Teacher: Things to Remember When You Vote

We received the following in the mail via USPS. Everybody say oooooh!" (Oooooh!) Apparently hand-written letters are not obsolete after all. This teacher is protecting her anonymity by not leaving a digital trail. That is significant because many of Show and Tell's writers have requested to post anonymously. Perhaps this need for anonymity is a phenomenon worth exploring, but for today we have a letter asking voters to remember the personal financial burdens being placed on teachers. 

Dear Parents,

You are voters. You will be asked to vote on education funding in November. I want to ask you to remember a few things when the time comes.

Remember that end of the year dvd that our class made together as a communication and language project? We used my personal cell phone to take the pics, and I bought the DVRs with my own money. 

Remember the writing project your child did where they created their own book? I bought those blank books and the art supplies with my own money.

Remember when we asked for everyone to pay $6 for the field trip? More than half of our students didn't send that money. I paid for those kids to attend with my own money.

Remember when we made mosaics with dried beans, and the class used those beans for math problems? I bought those beans with my own money. 

Remember the curtains on our windows? I bought those with my own money. Your children deserve a welcoming environment in which to learn everyday. 

Remember the rugs for the kids to sit on at centers? I bought those with my own money. I didn't want them to have to sit on the cold floor and moving the desks for centers everyday is impractical. 

If I didn't teach your child, think about the teachers who did. Please ask the teachers you know what they are buying with their own money each year. Ask them why they choose to buy it and why they can't get it from the school.

A dedicated Mississippi teacher concerned about where our schools are headed if Jackson continues to underfund


What about you? What is your story? Are you a public school educator in Mississippi with a unique perspective you would like to share? How does funding affect your students and your goals to educate them? First year teachers and veterans, administrators and support staff, writers and non-writers, celebrities and anonymous submissions alike, fresh perspective is what we're looking for! Let us know if you'd like to impact Mississippi education! 

Email for more information! 
Check out the guidelines for writing here.

Make your voice heard! 

Disclaimer: The blog entries shared here are individual works that do not necessarily represent the ideas and opinions of the Show and Tell administrators. 

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